Tag Archive | intelligent

Just Saying

To all my Queens
Blessings from I to Thee
You radiant beings who light my soul
Who have dried my tears with your smiles
Peace be unto you all.
From the rainbow of womanhood
We have all uttered that cry
Why Are Men Such Bleeding Crap
And sighed a millions sighs

I have come to the conclusion
years of scientific research
that our handsome, bright intelligent males
don’t want to listen,
don’t want to hear what we are saying
when we make suggestions for improvements.
We always want to go up
Not be dragged down
Our crowns are weighty enough as it is

It may come as no surprise
That when queens come together
We do exchange notes and experiences
Horror stories and nightmares
Of our relationships
And yes we do talk about
And try to see any reason for this
Universal Condition of Jackass
Which seems to affect a lot of men who like to
Lay down obscures laws under the thin guise of culture

Wake up and get with the programme
Stop chatting fart in our ears and get the job done!
Stop bad mouthing those who glamorise their living
and look to your own and ask
Am I enjoying my life, being the best I can be
Or am I weighed down by false reality?

Don’t you know that time waits for no one
Much less men than can’t be man
And ‘Soon Come’ done gawn ahready
Tomorrow is here
And now is ‘Life’s Spare’
Now is next year
And what have you got to say?
Your children are looking into your face
And what can they really see,
You tell me….

No ifs and buts and maybe
That will not do anymore
You are meant to BE
So reign in your ego
Can’t you feel your crown slipping
(Bet some of you didn’t even know you had one)
Step forward
A husband
A partner
A lover
A father
A friend
Just Saying……