
Quiet Chatter

Quiet Chatter

There is a quiet chatter going on in my head

So many thoughts spring to life in flashing lights

seeking form to come into reality

and tattoo their status with permanence.

Ink inscribed hopes and dreams

swirl  organic over blank silent space

to reveal rainbow coloured  beads and shapes

decorated with silver or silenced in gold.

Empressfaith c 2012

Jewels Of Creation

We Are

Sisters of the Morning

Mothers of the Evening


Daughters of the Sun.

We Are

delicate shades of Womanhood

perfumed  feminine essence

Princess, Queen and Empress


laugh, sing, dance and sleep

amongst our limitless families

bounded the halo of friendship

we each support.


speak and reason time without end

so in tune are we

that  unspoken thoughts are shared

through speaking eyes

and welcoming hugs of comfort.

We Are

graceful movers through

this turbulence called life

and provide  a radiant  anchor

to hold a weary sister

above the current of defeat.

Our Richness

for yes we are rich in spiritual love

shines throughout a million eyes

and glows beneath a skin ranging

from the sweetness of night

to the golden kiss of dawn.

I see true beauty

in the face of

all the wonderful women

that I know.

We are

Hope Eternal

We are

Twinkling Inspiration

We are

Regal Determination

We Are




Imani c 2012


I Still Carry The Scars (1)


I confess

I still carry  the scars

How’s that for honesty?

It’s not easy to admit


Age has certainly got a lot

to answer for

Horror stories of my past

are thankfully shrouded

in the mists of youth

in the land of

“Did I really DO that

Didi I really SAY that?

We all have skeletons in our closets

some of us have  graveyards

It’s only sane to conclude


we all bear some scars.

No matter how fine


lip brush kissed

a scar is a scar.

We are all in this healing process


some of us need

deep strength healing

to erase the pains of life

to ease the trials of our ancestral lives

Physical scars heal over a matter of time

Mental scars

Spiritual scars






Imani c 2012

Gentle Twilight Of Dawn

I stroke
your sleeping head
and feel my fingers quarrel with your hair
so heavy, so thick and strong
growing from warm curly, curly roots
into finger thick ropes of your Covenant.
Feathered ebony wings
swoop over your eyes
so soft
urging my touch to question this beauty,
and I do
smiling at the knowledge of not disturbing
your dance of suspended consciousness
to check that you are really here.
Cinnamon acres of minimal flesh stretch
across your face
now rested in the sleep of satisfaction
making you look so defenceless
so powerless,
innocent almost
that my heart cries out to shelter you
to protect you.
You have no idea of the power
that my maternal instincts possess
and so I watch over you
and worry
and fret
about the various avenues I have followed
to reach this moment in time
and you still seem to be unaware
of the strength
of My Essense
that makes me the woman that I am.
Watching you in your private world
reminds me of how you were when we first met
but you still defy the march of time.
Maybe you are charmed in that respect
but my worries have worn down my youthful glamour
and what you see sometimes
is the result of some serious mental plastic surgery.
Where are you now
What are you doing
and most importantly
Who Are You With
I ask myself and
God help you
if you should slip
and call out a name,
any name
other than my own.
this peaceful scene would be swept away
by the cold flush of Doubt
followed by the heat of Revenge
and in your weakened condition
you would stand no chance against
then you stir and turn
leaving an intimate shoulder bare
and a warm space to snuggle into
and I do
weaving hopes and dreams

Imani c 1995

Just Saying

To all my Queens
Blessings from I to Thee
You radiant beings who light my soul
Who have dried my tears with your smiles
Peace be unto you all.
From the rainbow of womanhood
We have all uttered that cry
Why Are Men Such Bleeding Crap
And sighed a millions sighs

I have come to the conclusion
years of scientific research
that our handsome, bright intelligent males
don’t want to listen,
don’t want to hear what we are saying
when we make suggestions for improvements.
We always want to go up
Not be dragged down
Our crowns are weighty enough as it is

It may come as no surprise
That when queens come together
We do exchange notes and experiences
Horror stories and nightmares
Of our relationships
And yes we do talk about
And try to see any reason for this
Universal Condition of Jackass
Which seems to affect a lot of men who like to
Lay down obscures laws under the thin guise of culture

Wake up and get with the programme
Stop chatting fart in our ears and get the job done!
Stop bad mouthing those who glamorise their living
and look to your own and ask
Am I enjoying my life, being the best I can be
Or am I weighed down by false reality?

Don’t you know that time waits for no one
Much less men than can’t be man
And ‘Soon Come’ done gawn ahready
Tomorrow is here
And now is ‘Life’s Spare’
Now is next year
And what have you got to say?
Your children are looking into your face
And what can they really see,
You tell me….

No ifs and buts and maybe
That will not do anymore
You are meant to BE
So reign in your ego
Can’t you feel your crown slipping
(Bet some of you didn’t even know you had one)
Step forward
A husband
A partner
A lover
A father
A friend
Just Saying……